§ 2-14-1. Definitions.
§ 2-14-2. Purpose of chapter.
§ 2-14-3. Registration of colonies, bee yards, and apiaries; disposition of fees and fines.
§ 2-14-4. Movement or shipment of honeybees into state.
§ 2-14-5. Shipment, movement, etc., into state of used beekeeping equipment or supplies.
§ 2-14-6. Shipment, movement, etc., of used beekeeping equipment or appliances without permit from Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries.
§ 2-14-7. Owners, etc., to mark used hive-bodies and supers; marks, etc., to be approved by State Apiarist.
§ 2-14-8. Preparation and maintenance of county maps of apiary locations.
§ 2-14-9. Eradication or control of contagious and infectious diseases of honeybees; inspection; fees; transfer of honeybees to hives with movable frames.
§ 2-14-10. Quarantining of apiary or colony of honeybees infected with contagious or infectious disease, etc.; moving of quarantined bees, supplies or equipment.
§ 2-14-11. Destruction of diseased bees, supplies or equipment.
§ 2-14-12. Failure of owner to treat or destroy bees, equipment, etc., upon notification by commissioner; hearing for review of order of commissioner to treat or destroy diseased bees, etc.; enforcement of order.
§ 2-14-13. Rules and regulations.
§ 2-14-14. Designation of State Apiarist; powers thereof.
§ 2-14-15. Penalties for violations of provisions of chapter, rules or regulations, etc.