Article 1. Members, Terms, Records, Etc.
§ 29-1-1.2. House districts; legal actions; official maps; severability; effective date.
§ 29-1-2.3. Senate districts; legal actions; official maps; severability; effective date.
§ 29-1-2.4. Effective date.
§ 29-1-2.5. Contesting redistricting or reapportionment plans.
§ 29-1-3. Annual sessions; place of meeting.
§ 29-1-4. Time of meeting and length of organizational and regular sessions.
§ 29-1-5. Length of special sessions.
§ 29-1-6. Administration of oath of office to members.
§ 29-1-7. Privilege of members from arrest and civil process.
§ 29-1-8. Compensation and mileage of officers and members.
§ 29-1-8.1. Treatment of legislators' travel expenses for state income tax purposes.
§ 29-1-9. Compensation of legislative interim committees.
§ 29-1-10. Appropriation for organization sessions and legislative interim committees.
§ 29-1-11. Certification of compensation due officers and members.
§ 29-1-12. Journals of House and Senate - Compiling and filing.
§ 29-1-13. Journals of House and Senate - Delivery to Secretary of State; compensation.
§ 29-1-14. Papers and documents of Legislature - Deposit with Secretary of State.
§ 29-1-15. Papers and documents of Legislature - Engrossed copies of laws, etc., to be preserved.
§ 29-1-16. Papers and documents of Legislature - How filed and arranged.
§ 29-1-17. Papers and documents of Legislature - Secretary of State to receipt for papers.
§ 29-1-18. Maximum number of members on standing committees of House of Representatives.
§ 29-1-19. Use of space in Capitol; control of space when Legislature convenes outside Capitol.
§ 29-1-19.1. Legislature authorized to control streets adjacent to Capitol, in cooperation with chief of services.
§ 29-1-20. Trade of old equipment upon purchase of new equipment for House or Senate.
§ 29-1-21. Salaries of legislative officers and employees.
§ 29-1-22. Appropriation for legislative costs; Legislature to present budget annually; contents.
§ 29-1-23. Purchase of legislative chairs or desks by members of Legislature; establishment of price; disposition of generated revenues; disposition of unsold chairs or desks.
§ 29-1-24. Ozone transport oversight.
§ 29-1-25. Alternate distribution and publication of materials supplied to Legislature.
§ 29-1-26. Legislative double dipping prohibited.
Article 2. Legislative Compensation Commission.
§ 29-1-40. Creation; composition; terms and appointment of members; quorum defined and required to conduct business; failure of appointing authority to make appointment; certain persons ineligible to serve.
§ 29-1-41. Compensation; expenses.
§ 29-1-42. Record-keeping, clerical assistance, etc.
§ 29-1-43. Duties of commission; study of compensation; report of findings and recommendations; authority to travel and conduct public hearings.
§ 29-1-44. Recommendations to be sent to Legislature, Governor, etc.; compensation of Legislature to remain the same unless recommendations adopted by majority of both houses.