Article4. Obscenity and Related Offenses.  

Division 1. General Provisions.
§ 13A-12-130. Public lewdness.
§ 13A-12-131. Public display of obscene sticker, sign, etc.
Division 2. Importation, Display, Distribution, etc., of Obscene Matter Generally.
Division 3. Sale, Exhibition, etc., of Obscene Materials to Minors.
Division 4. Obscene Materials Containing Visual Reproduction of Children.
§ 13A-12-190. Definitions.
§ 13A-12-191. Dissemination or public display of obscene matter containing visual depiction of persons under 17 years of age involved in obscene acts.
§ 13A-12-192. Possession and possession with intent to disseminate obscene matter containing visual depiction of persons under 17 years of age involved in obscene acts.
§ 13A-12-193. Proof of age of person contained in visual depiction; inferences as to age.
§ 13A-12-194. Identity of person engaged in obscene act not required.
§ 13A-12-195. Indication of commercial exploitation of matter for prurient appeal may be considered in determining whether matter appeals to prurient interest, etc.
§ 13A-12-196. Parents or guardians permitting children to engage in production of obscene matter guilty of Class A felony.
§ 13A-12-197. Production of obscene matter containing visual depiction of person under 17 years of age involved in obscene acts.
§ 13A-12-198. Forfeiture of equipment, materials, vehicles, etc., used in production, transportation, dissemination, etc., of obscene matter.
Division 5. Alabama Anti-Obscenity Enforcement Act.
§ 13A-12-200.1. Definitions.
§ 13A-12-200.2. Distribution, possession with intent to distribute, production, etc., of obscene material prohibited; penalties; distribution of fines.
§ 13A-12-200.3. Dissemination of obscene material; penalty; disposition of fines.
§ 13A-12-200.4. Affirmative defenses.
§ 13A-12-200.5. Material harmful to minors - Distribution, possession with intent to distribute, display for sale, etc., prohibited; penalty; affirmative defenses; operation of adult-only enterprise near place frequented by minors; exceptions; disposition of fines.
§ 13A-12-200.6. Extradition of persons charged with violation of this division.
§ 13A-12-200.7. Civil action to enjoin violations; hearing; procedures; precedence over other matters.
§ 13A-12-200.8. Property subject to forfeiture for violation of this division; procedures; hearing; forfeiture action; action for money judgment.
§ 13A-12-200.9. Effect on other laws and ordinances.
§ 13A-12-200.10. Inapplicability of criminal provisions to libraries and their agents or employees.
§ 13A-12-200.11. Display of genitals, etc., for entertainment purposes; violation; disposition of fines.
§ 13A-12-200.12. Special operating license for adult-only enterprises; advertisement; revocation of license.