Article2. Gambling Offenses.  

Division 1. General Provisions.
§ 13A-12-20. Definitions.
§ 13A-12-21. Simple gambling.
§ 13A-12-22. Promoting gambling.
§ 13A-12-23. Conspiracy to promote gambling.
§ 13A-12-24. Possession of gambling records in the first degree.
§ 13A-12-25. Possession of gambling records in the second degree.
§ 13A-12-26. Defense to prosecution for possession of gambling records.
§ 13A-12-27. Possession of gambling device.
§ 13A-12-28. Prima facie proof of gambling offenses.
§ 13A-12-29. Lottery occurring outside state no defense to prosecution under Section 13A-12-22.
§ 13A-12-30. Forfeiture of gambling devices and gambling proceeds.
§ 13A-12-31. Legalized pari-mutuel betting not affected.
Division 2. Suppression of Gambling Places.
§ 13A-12-50. Unlawful to maintain electric bells, etc.
§ 13A-12-51. District attorney to file complaint on certain information.
§ 13A-12-52. Exhibiting gambling devices in barred house or where speaking tubes or electric signals are used.
§ 13A-12-53. Owner permitting any person to equip any room, etc.
§ 13A-12-54. When affidavit made, court to examine affiant under oath.
§ 13A-12-55. Duty of officer to break into and enter house.
§ 13A-12-56. Arrest of occupants of house.
§ 13A-12-57. Trial; defendant bound over.
§ 13A-12-58. Presence of bells, etc., prima facie evidence.
Division 3. Transportation of Lottery Paraphernalia.
§ 13A-12-70. Transportation by certain persons; seizure of vehicles used.
§ 13A-12-71. Movement of vehicle need not be shown.
§ 13A-12-72. Procedure for condemnation and forfeiture of vehicle.
§ 13A-12-73. Sale of forfeited vehicle; rights of bailor, conditional vendor or mortgagee.
§ 13A-12-74. Disposition of proceeds of sale of forfeited vehicle.
§ 13A-12-75. Transportation of articles not commonly used in numbers or policy game not unlawful.
§ 13A-12-76. Bona fide coin-operated amusement machines.
Division 4. Federal Wagering Occupational Tax Stamp.
§ 13A-12-90. Possession, etc., of stamp prima facie evidence of violation of gambling laws.
§ 13A-12-91. Production of stamp warrants indictment or information.
§ 13A-12-92. Proof of ownership, etc.