Article4. Circuit Clerks and Registers.  

Division 1. General Provisions.
§ 12-17-80. Circuit clerks, registers, and employees in offices thereof to be paid by state.
§ 12-17-81. Annual salary.
§ 12-17-81.1. Prior service credit.
Division 2. Clerks.
§ 12-17-90. Offices; vacancies.
§ 12-17-91. Bond.
§ 12-17-92. Compensation of circuit clerks.
§ 12-17-93. Authority.
§ 12-17-94. Duties generally.
§ 12-17-95. When sheriff's commissions to be collected.
§ 12-17-96. Duty of clerk when convict indicted; convict not to be released until bail given.
§ 12-17-97. Duty to pay over money to successor.
§ 12-17-98. Deputy clerk for Bessemer division of tenth judicial circuit.
§ 12-17-99. Supplemental salary for elected deputy circuit clerks.
Division 3. Registers.
§ 12-17-110. Office of register not to be filled when vacancy occurs; reappointment of registers holding office on October 10, 1975; removal of registers.
§ 12-17-111. Bond.
§ 12-17-112. Compensation of registers and employees in office of register.
§ 12-17-113. Place of office.
§ 12-17-114. Duties generally.
§ 12-17-115. Pleadings to be endorsed with date of filing.
§ 12-17-116. Injunctions.
§ 12-17-117. General direct and reverse indexes.
§ 12-17-118. Recopying of records.
§ 12-17-119. Records open to examination.
§ 12-17-120. Payment of money to successor.
§ 12-17-121. Punishment for contempt.
§ 12-17-122. Failure of register or commissioner to made deed of land.
Division 4. Supernumerary Clerks and Registers.
§ 12-17-140. Qualifications for supernumerary status generally; applicability of division; eligibility of clerk or register of circuit court with 23 years of service.
§ 12-17-141. Oath; vacancies in office of clerk or register in counties where supernumerary holds commission.
§ 12-17-142. Term of office; compensation; surviving spouse benefits; applicability.
§ 12-17-143. Establishment of supernumerary fund; contributions thereto.
§ 12-17-144. Prior service credit.
§ 12-17-145. Officials covered by division; notification procedure; post-election contribution transfer; post-transfer credits and contributions.
§ 12-17-146. Return of contributions to other plans.
§ 12-17-147. Return of contributions upon termination of service.