§ 11-98-1. Definitions.
§ 11-98-2. Districts; creation; composition; powers and duties.
§ 11-98-3. The digits 911 established as primary emergency telephone number.
§ 11-98-4. Board of commissioners.
§ 11-98-4.1. Board created; composition; powers and duties.
§ 11-98-5. Monthly statewide 911 charge.
§ 11-98-5.1. (Repealed effective October 1, 2013) Maximum tariff rates.
§ 11-98-5.2. 911 Fund.
§ 11-98-5.3. Prepaid wireless telephone service.
§ 11-98-6. Disposition of funds.
§ 11-98-7. Reimbursement of CMRS providers from 911 Fund.
§ 11-98-7.1. (Repealed effective October 1, 2013) Phase II Enhanced 911 Implementation Fund; reimbursement of costs; disposition of funds.
§ 11-98-7.2. Alabama Emergency Communication District Long-Range Study Commission.
§ 11-98-8. (Repealed effective October 1, 2013) Commercial Mobile Radio Service - Duties of providers; service charges.
§ 11-98-9. Technical proprietary information.
§ 11-98-10. Restrictions on 911 use; secondary backup emergency number authorized; certain automatic alerting devices connected to network prohibited; possible penalties for misuse.
§ 11-98-11. Methods of response to emergency calls.
§ 11-98-12. Release of audio recording; public records; transcript.
§ 11-98-13. Biennial audit.
§ 11-98-13.1. Permanent Oversight Commission on 911.
§ 11-98-14. Sunset provision.
§ 11-98-15. Reimbursement for unused funds retained for 911 Board administrative expenses; annual costs.