Alabama Code (Last Updated: November 28, 2014) |
Title16 EDUCATION. |
§16-38-8. Use of funds.
(a) The moneys appropriated by the State of Alabama, the funds deposited with the Treasurer under the provisions of the federal act and any other funds accruing to the state for vocational rehabilitation training of disabled persons shall be used by the State Board of Education for the purposes set forth in this chapter, and the moneys appropriated and accruing shall be paid out upon requisition of the State Superintendent of Education upon the Comptroller, who shall draw his warrants upon the Treasurer for the amount for which requisition was made.
(b) All reimbursements received by the State Department of Education, Rehabilitation and Crippled Children Service for state funds expended on behalf of clients shall not revert to the State Treasury under the provisions of Section 41-4-93 but shall carry forward to the next fiscal year. All reimbursements described in this subsection are hereby appropriated and designated as continuing appropriations to the State Department of Education, Rehabilitation and Crippled Children Service to be expended on behalf of clients.