§11-50-311. Application for authority to incorporate; adoption of resolution by municipal governing body authorizing incorporation.  

Latest version.
  • Whenever any number of natural persons, not less than three, shall file with the governing body of any municipality of this state an application in writing for authority to incorporate a public corporation for the purpose of operating a water system, a sewer system, a gas system, and an electric system or any one or more of such systems, and if it shall be made to appear to such governing body that each of said persons is a duly qualified elector of and owner of property in said municipality and if the governing body of said municipality shall adopt a resolution, which shall be duly entered upon the minutes of such governing body, wherein it shall be declared that it is wise, expedient, and necessary that such a corporation be formed and that the persons filing said application shall be authorized to proceed to form such corporation, then said persons shall proceed to organize such a corporation by executing and filing for record in the office of the judge of probate of the county or one or more of the counties in which such municipality is located a certificate of incorporation as provided in Section 11-50-312. No corporation shall be formed hereunder unless the application provided for in this section shall be made and unless the resolution provided for in this section shall be adopted.

(Acts 1951, No. 175, p. 416, §1.)